Published Works

Reimagining the Creative Process with The Marcy Collective

The Marcy Collective is a new kind of creative community that helps individuals and teams to reimagine their creative process. The Collective provides a unique platform for collaborative exploration and idea-sharing – helping members to discover inspiration, gain new perspectives and ultimately create their best work.

Creating Another Perspective: Giving Yourself Time to Craft Songs

When it comes to songwriting, having a unique and creative perspective can be the difference between a great song and an average one. But how can you look at the same lyrics in a different way and create something that stands out? Here are 3 tips to help you switch up your approach to songwriting and find new inspiration.

A Musician’s Mental Health: Overcoming Fatigue While Recording

“As a musician, there are few things more frustrating than feeling fatigued during a recording session. You're in the studio, you've been working hard all day, and suddenly your creative spark just seems to disappear. It's normal to feel exhaustion setting in from time to time, but there are ways to overcome it and get back on track. Here are some tips for dealing with fatigue during a recording session.”

Afraid to Upload: Overcoming Artistic Anxiety

"Now that bars, venues and festivals are opening up, we as musicians are hungry to hit the stage. But, lots of musicians (myself included) had a rocky 2020. Here are a few tips to reignite your creative flow, collaborate, start recording, and get back into the music world!”